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Create a Family Friendly Workplace
Module 1 - WELCOME
Welcome! (1:53)
Welcome to the Create a Family Friendly Workplace Course!
Introduction (0:51)
About the Course (3:14)
What is a Family Friendly Workplace? (4:23)
The Mission, Vision and Values of a Family Friendly Workplace (2:00)
What is an Inclusive Workplace Culture (6:03)
Module 2 - Paid Leave Policies
Introduction (0:47)
Personal Leave Policies (7:45)
Paid Parental Leave Policies (3:42)
Family Leave Policies (2:48)
Paid Leave - Business Case
Paid Leave - Apply the Policies Scenario (2:37)
QUIZ: Module 2 - Paid Leave Policies
Complete the Paid Leave portion of the Employee Handbook Framework
Paid Leave Policies - Resources
Module 3 - Health Support Policies
Introduction (0:53)
Breastfeeding/Lactation Support Policies (2:40)
Healthcare Policies (2:47)
Wellness Program Policies (2:23)
Reasonable Accommodations Policies (4:02)
Health Support - Business Case
Health Support - Apply the Policies Scenario (2:14)
QUIZ: Module 3 - Health Support Policies
Complete the Health Support portion of the Employee Handbook Framework
Health Support Policies - Resources
Module 4 - Work Schedule Policies
Introduction (0:50)
Flexible Work Scheduling Policies (3:11)
Job Sharing Policies (2:41)
Telecommuting/Hybrid Work Policies (2:56)
Predictable Scheduling Policies (2:29)
Work Schedule - Business Case
Work Schedule - Apply the Policies Scenario (1:25)
QUIZ: Module 4 - Work Schedule Policies
Complete the Work Schedule portion of the Employee Handbook Framework
Work Schedule Policies - Resources
Module 5 - Economic Support Policies
Introduction (0:56)
Higher than Average Wages Policies (3:31)
Employer Subsidized Training/Educational Assistance Policy (2:28)
Retirement/Asset Building Policies (2:35)
Childcare/Dependent Care Policies (2:09)
Short-term Financial Stability Policies (2:27)
Economic Support - Business Case
Economic Support - Apply the Policies Scenario (2:01)
QUIZ: Module 5 - Economic Support Policies
Complete the Economic Support portion of the Employee Handbook Framework
Economic Support Policies - Resources
Module 6 - Pay Equity Policies
Pay Equity - Introduction (0:43)
Formal Evaluation of Pay by Job Classification and Gender (2:58)
Allowing/Encouraging Employees to Discuss Pay with Co-workers (2:45)
Pay Equity - Business Case
Pay Equity - Apply the Policies Scenario (1:42)
QUIZ: Module 6 - Pay Equity Policies
Complete the Pay Equity portion of the Employee Handbook Framework
Module 7 - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
Introduction (0:50)
DEI for Staff and/or Board (3:34)
Employee Networks/Employee Resource Groups (2:55)
DEI Training for Staff (3:01)
DEI - Business Case
DEI - Apply the Policies Scenario (1:51)
QUIZ: Module 7 - DEI Policies
Complete the DEI portion of the Employee Handbook Framework
Module 8 - Community Investment
Community Investment - Introduction (0:39)
Investing Time and/or Money into Community (2:59)
Community Investment - Business Case
Community Investment - Apply the Policies Scenario (1:36)
QUIZ: Module 8 - Community Investment
Complete the Community Investment portion of the Employee Handbook Framework
Complete the DEI portion of the Employee Handbook Framework
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